Simple message-driven microservice in JAVA


  • Open source written in Earlang
  • Maintained since 2013 by Pivotal (Spring)
  • Broker which implements AMQP protocol
    • standard way of messages exchanges between heterogeneous applications
    • not an API
    • independant of technology (Python, Java, PHP...)

RabbitMQ core concepts

Exchange - where the messages are published
Queue - where the messages are consumed
Binding - distribution rules from exchanges to queues

RabbitMQ clients

There are a lot of client implementations : Java, .Net, PHP, Go, Ruby, Python, Scala, Perl...

In Java, several possibilities :

  • RabbitMQ Java client
  • Apache Camel - RabbitMQ component
  • Spring AMQP
  • Spring Cloud Stream

RabbitMQ for developers

Official docker image available on Docker Hub

docker run --rm -d --hostname my-rabbit --name rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

Management console : http://localhost:15672

Spring Cloud Stream

Built on top of Spring Boot and Spring Integration, it is used to build easily message/event-driven microservices.

It supports bindings with RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka brokers.

It allows minimal configuration and connexion code, thanks to annotations, to focus on business code.

Annotation style programming

@EnableBinding on class declaration
@StreamListener on method declaration to consume messages
@SendTo on method declaration (+ return type) to publish messages


public class MessageHandler {

	public void handle(MyEvent myEvent) {
	    // do what you have to do with the message

Let's go

- Start RabbitMQ ! Play with the UI localhost:15672

- Create the 1st project ShippingService which will consume some order events. (Can use Spring Initializr through or directly in IDE)

Try it

  • RabbitMq management UI => see the created exchange and queue
  • Publish a message with the UI and log it
  • Manage name and durability of created objects ; try properties

Build order-service

This one is publisher and consumer : a processor (source + sink)

It should connect to same exchange than shipping-service

Add an output

You can extend Processor interface...

Error handling

  • Try to throw an Exception and see what happens
  • Manage DLQ with properties
    • (You will have to delete the queue before)

Dynamic publishing

It needs to code the message sending

private BinderAwareChannelResolver resolver;

Handling in function of header

@StreamListener(target=Processor.INPUT, condition = "headers['bu-id']=='1'")
public void receiveForBu1() {
	// ...
@StreamListener(target=Processor.INPUT, condition = "headers['bu-id']!='1'")
public void receiveForBuNot1() {
	// ...

This is not compatible with @SendTo annotation ☹